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What to Say to a Gemini Woman

The Gemini gal wants to be admired for her brill memes and general sparkle. She's looking for someone to zigzag through life with.

A Gemini in love wants to fascinate and delight her crush. Her kryptonite is to see you stifling a yawn. And she too has a low threshold for boredom. She wants you to tell her something she doesn't know. It helps if you have a naturally wry take on life since she's often got a sarcastic side.

There are no awkward silences on first dates with the Gemini woman. This can be a relief and an icebreaker. However, some Gemini's are anxious, especially if they've had their confidence crushed.  She'll use her hands a lot when speaking, and have nervous ticks, like hair flipping. Some Gemini's find it hard to look you in the eye, as they keep eyes scanning in a panoramic fashion.

Sun Gemini women talk a lot, sometimes from nervousness, and to fill up the empty space. She's high strung, and it helps if you're okay with a lot of random chit-chats.

Don't press her for how she feels, as she's an airy sort and not overly lovey-dovey. She'll wriggle free from any attempts to hold her, so a lighter physical touch is likely better.

She's bright, and often very funny. She's often easy to be with from the get-go, light and social. It's great to go places and do things with lots of food for thought -- galleries, film festivals, fashion shows, street fairs.

Wit and Charm

If you tell a story from your life, keep it short, since, for her, brevity is the spice of life. Also, her attention span is short! If you keep your messages short, it'll keep her coming back for more.

She's known to skip topics without warning, and gets bored if bogged down in any one thing. She loves language, so show off rare or words you've made up. You're really cooking when you make her laugh.

She's always eager to see life from another angle. So she'll love it if you're able to paint a picture, or eloquently present a viewpoint. She's a social observer, collecting bits and pieces, for her own amusement and knowledge. See if you can add to that, from your own life experiences. She also enjoys people-watching, so sidewalk cafes on busy streets are favored over the corner table in an out of the way bistro.

She plays mind games, mostly for fun, but sometimes with a real bite to it. A Gemini gal with a dark side is an evil genius, with an evil twin.  It can be crazy-making, especially if you're someone who wants to know where you stand. She's the queen of mixed signals!

The Changeling

The Gemini woman is flirty and fun-loving. She likes to keep a light hold on friends because she herself craves freedom. She wants the freedom to be different every time you see her. Her mutable nature means she's happiest when changing. This can be obvious when she's zipping through different styles, mindsets and catching the latest currents of fascination.

She doesn't like to be figured out, or held to an opinion she stated last week. If you've got fixed ideas or need to follow a linear train of thought, she'll drive you to madness. Gemini's are a little crazy anyway, and some struggle with Gemini-style depression.

Gemini's tend to struggle with negativity loops, being such mentally charged people. Your own frame of mind will have a big impact on her, as she trawls others for new currents -- she'll want to pick your brain. The quality of your conversation is a big factor, in the kind of atmosphere it'll create, and whether love can grow.

An impressive gift is one that appeals to her mind. If you've got a rapport there and can hold her interest, you're on your way.

What to Say to a Gemini Woman
